Michael Kalkowski's Casual Connect presentation: "10 Years of Casual Games" [Video]

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| by Jonas | published under GameDuell

Michael Kalkowski's Casual Connect presentation: "10 Years of Casual Games" [Video]

At the recent edition of Casual Connect in San Francisco, GameDuell's Creative Director and co-founder Michael Kalkowski gave an interesting lecture about the past, present and future of social games.

In the last decade the games industry has come a long way moving from one platform to another. Hypes have come and gone but with the move along platforms came many innovations in product quality, technology and business models. Michael Kalkowski shows how the champions of our industry were able to drive growth during ever-changing times and delivers a strategic view on the key business aspects for the next 12 months.
The following video is a recording of Michael's presentation.

<oembed url="//www.youtube.com/watch?v=okvCF_A2skk"></oembed>