Christmas is the Time for Giving!

| by Alina | published under Charity

Here at GameDuell, we don’t just want to build a long-term successful and sustainable company, but also contribute to a better world for everyone. So many of our team members were in the giving mood this past holiday season and donated their annual Christmas present to a charity.

Every year with our “Make a Wish” initiative, our team can choose whether they would like to receive a voucher for a local and sustainable shop, or donate the value of the voucher to a good cause. Many team members chose to donate to one of these three great organizations.

Deutsche Cleft Kinderhilfe e. V.Cleft, short for cleft lip and palate, is one of the most common birth defects in the world and occurs on every continent. Following the motto “Helping people help themselves”, Deutsche Cleft Kinderhilfe builds independent structures in their 12 project countries where more than 250 local doctors, therapists, and project coordinators provide on-site medical care and ongoing support for needy cleft children.

Sea Shepherd

Since 1977, a variety of ships, as part of the Sea Shepherd fleet, have helped defend marine life. Sea Shepherd ships continue to patrol the world’s oceans, conduct research, and intervene directly to enforce international conservation laws and defend, protect, and conserve the remaining biodiversity in our oceans.

Viva con AguaViva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e.V. is a non-profit association that is committed to ensuring that all people worldwide have access to clean drinking water. They always include the sanitary and hygiene supply components in order to guarantee permanent access to clean drinking water.

But since Christmas is the time for giving, we felt the need to help others, share, and support even more. Especially in times like these, we have to look out for one another and not forget those who may need our help. We were very happy to contribute to the wonderful cause of LegaKids with our Christmas donation.

Currently, every sixth child has great difficulties in reading and writing, which can be very challenging for both the children and their families. To make their lives a little easier, LegaKids was launched in 2004 and offers a wide range of educational games, videos, and apps to help kids and teens with LRS (reading and spelling difficulties), dyslexia, reading weaknesses, and arithmetic weaknesses.

"Mehr und mehr Kinder verlieren Mut und Lernfreude. Oft ist die Ursache hierfür mangelnde Unterstützung bei dem Erlernen von Lesen und Schreiben. Nahezu jedes fünfte Kind verlässt derzeit die Schule, ohne ausreichende schriftsprachliche Kompetenzen. Dem wollen wir mit unserer LegaKids Stiftung entgegenwirken. Um unser Engagement zu finanzieren, sind wir auf Förderer und Sponsoren angewiesen. Heute dürfen wir uns bei der GameDuell GmbH bedanken, die unser neues Lernspiel-Projekt „SuperPutzig“ mit einer großzügigen Spende unterstützt hat. Herzlichen Dank!“

- LegaKids Team (2020)

"More and more children are losing courage and the joy of learning. Often the reason for this is a lack of support in learning to read and write. Almost every fifth child currently leaves school without sufficient written language skills. We want to counteract this with our LegaKids Foundation. To finance our commitment, we depend on supporters and sponsors. Today we can thank GameDuell GmbH, who supported our new educational game project "SuperPutzig" with a generous donation. Thank you very much! "

- Translation from LegaKids Team (2020)

Photo 1 & 2: © LegaKids Stiftungs-Gmbh
The use of the photos and logos (Copyright ©) is made with kind permission from the respective organizations