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GameDuell in the news

Android or iOS - The future of mobile games

| by Jonas | published under News

These days most people wouldn’t be able to get by without a mobile device of some sort. Many people no longer play exclusively on websites or social networks, but also use smartphones because their mobile phone is always within reach.

New GameDuell game: Word Twist

| by Jonas | published under News , Games

With Word Twist, GameDuell just launched the latest browser based game. Here’s what GameDuell player "pet4c4", who tested the game already, said about it: "Word Twist is so much fun and challenging at the same time. It’s great to have a new thinking game at GameDuell!"

Meet GameDuell at Casual Connect in Germany

| by Jonas | published under News , GameDuell

Web, mobile or social? The Casual Connect in Hamburg, Germany February 7th to the 9th, is all about games. Of course Germany’s largest game platform wouldn’t want to miss this for anything, that’s why GameDuell is a platinum sponsor of the event again this year.

Interview: Why GameDuell develops cross-platform games for web, social and mobile

| by Jonas | published under GameDuell

GameDuell is not just talking about cross-platform. For about a year now, the company has been actively developing numerous games which can be played directly on the GameDuell website, on Facebook and on mobile devices, such as the iPhone and iPad.

Facebook starts testing games only news feed

| by Jonas | published under News

Gaming is booming these days. According to mobile app site Fisku, in December a new daily record was reached concerning iOS app downloads as the number of daily downloads peaked at 6.04 million. Even more interesting here is the fact that half of the time U.S. consumers spend in mobile apps is with playing their favorite game.

GameDuell is moving, showing that TV was yesterday - online games are today

| by Jonas | published under News , GameDuell

Change is in the air at GameDuell! Not only because a new year has just begun and our resolution is to continue to work with full dedication to be the best gaming platform in the world, but also because we moved to a new location!

Collect bonuses in GameDuell's Holiday Special

| by Jonas | published under GameDuell

Were you left off the Advent Calendar Christmas list this year? Well, don’t fret! Once again, GameDuell is celebrating the holidays with the popular Holiday Special. You can clear away tons of great prizes. Which one will you choose? How much will you win? It's up to you!

"GameDuell’s Puzzler Bubble Speed is a Pop Hit with Facebook Gamers"

| by Jonas | published under GameDuell reports

that GameDuell social game "Bubble Speed is a Pop Hit with Facebook Gamers". "The title is currently the publisher’s most heavily used" and features 1.5 million monthly active users.