Summer in GameDuell: Tomatoes, Barbecues and 38C Heat

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GameDuell in the news

| by Olga | published under Berlin

Even though Berlin summers are usually capricious and unpredictable, this year we were blessed with lots of joyful and colorful days – days that were, in fact, pretty hot. And by ‘pretty hot’ we mean 38 degrees Celsius. So of course there was a great deal of ice cream in the office and a number of refreshing outdoor activities. But what else did we do this summer?Summer in GameDuell: Tomatoes, Barbecues and 38C Heat

Here's a brief summary of the GameDuell summer 2015:

We harvested our first tomatoes in our new rooftop garden in the office.

Summer in GameDuell: Tomatoes, Barbecues and 38C Heat

We had an awesome Summer Party in June.

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